Released Suspense Report

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Released Suspense Report

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Released Suspense Revenue Report

This report prints a recap of transactions from a beginning suspense date to the ending suspense date. 

Select JIB - Other Reports - Released Suspense Report

The dates are stored in the  Division of Interest file .  The beginning suspense date must be supplied before this report will print.  The ending suspense date is inserted into the Division of Interest file  during the update of Operating Statements when the suspense is finally released.  When an owner is released from suspense and receives revenue, the ending suspense date defaults to one day less than the first transaction date found for revenue in the Transaction file.  If you had revenue transactions for 5-10-2008 and 06-12-2008 in the Transaction file, the ending date for revenue released for an owner would be assigned 05-09-2008 in the Division of Interest file .  You can now preview this report.

This report should always be printed prior to selling interest from one owner to another.    Once interest has been transferred to the receiving owner, the selling owner's interest is changed.  The receiving owner's interest is increased, therefore printing the Released Suspense Revenue Detail report would be incorrect for both owners.   

After this report is successfully printed, the beginning and ending dates are cleared from the DOI file, in case you need to use them again during the year.  To reprint this report after the dates have been cleared, you will need to re-enter beginning and ending suspense dates using Owner’s on Suspense in Tools for Statements under JIB on your tool bar. 

The Released Suspense Detail report is triggered from the beginning and ending suspense dates from the Division of Interest file

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