FAQ - Operating Statements & Revenue Checks

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FAQ - Operating Statements & Revenue Checks

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FAQ  for Op Stms & Rev Checks

To verify Suspense and Minimum Check Amounts

You should AT LEAST always display the the Operating Statement Summary.  By doing so it will pick up all owners who were released from Suspense and it will pick up the owners who reach their Minimum Check amount.

No Master files are updated during printing of these statements or the revenue checks.  Master files are only updated when you select Update for Statements and Checks.  If you don't update, the next time you enter this routine you are flagged that the update was not performed for the prior statements.  If you receive this message and for some reason, you don't want to update for the previous statements, you are allowed to clear the temporary update data and continue.  Once you clear the temporary update data you may run Operating Statements again and a new temporary file will be created.

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