Used by Oil and Gas Operators in over 43 States and 3 Countries

1977 to 2021 ...and getting better every year

Important Things to Consider about Oil and Gas Software
Roughneck has been keeping Oil & Gas companies organized and running smoothly since 1977 in over 43 states and 3 countries.  You can get a list of customers who will verify that very fact.  At Roughneck, the Oil and Gas software business is our ONLY business, and we work at it to keep our customers happy.

Better and Easier
Roughneck software keeps getting better and easier.  Roughneck even checks itself. The Roughneck Service Pack uses a unique Wish List from Roughneck customers to add new features. The Wish List is a form found on our website, requesting our customer's suggestions on how to make the software better for them. We take the most requested items, along with some ideas of our own and include them with the Service Pack Enhancements and Updates. Service Pack holders share the cost of maintaining a better system for their office. This sharing the cost method is a more economical method of providing new features and benefits to Roughneck customers. As times change, so does Roughneck.

New Programs at Discounts to Customers
In addition to the Service Pack Updates, new programs are always being developed and are offered to existing customers at special discounts. New programs may be something like a specialized backup to our server here, allowing for our customers to have offsite protection of their data. Or, it could be something like a "Report to Excel" Program that lets users export their reports directly in to Excel for their own modification purposes.

Just Keeps Getting Better and Easier
The Roughneck has come a long way, it was around before the IBM PC computer.  Roughneck is certainly better than it was in those days, but not as good as it's gonna be!
Oil and gas accounting is not the easiest thing in the world, but at Roughneck Systems we try to make it that way.  Roughneck software makes a difficult job easy.