Used by Oil and Gas Operators in over 43 States and 3 Countries

1977 to 2021 ...and getting better every year

The Service Pack
What do you get?
- I.R.S. Changes, Government changes, Tax Form changes, Tax Table changes
- Any Corrections or Patches
- Wish Lists
- Unlimited Email Support
- Virutally Unlimited Phone Support
- 12 Backups to our server - which provides extra offsite security for you!
- $500 credit towards additional modules
- Yearly Enhancements

Every year Service Pack holders send us their "Wish List". They send us ideas that can help them the most, convenience, speed, more flexibility, whatever. Things they wish Roughneck could do for them. We take the most requested items from this "Wish List" and include them in the Service Pack, along with some new things we think you will like.

New Programs at discount Service Pack holder prices.
New Major Versions of Roughneck at discount Service Pack holder prices.
Support. If your software is not up-to-date, with the latest stuff, it's extremely difficult to trouble-shoot or simulate a problem.

The Service Pack Saves you Money
Tax changes, wish lists, corrections, patches, new programs and major new versions of Roughneck. These changes cost money. The Service Pack lets you share the cost with other Service Pack holders, while non-Service Pack holders must pay expensive individual rates.

Some items released in Past under the Service Pack

Each year, changes that would cost several thousand dollars individually, were passed on to Service Pack Holders at no charge. Service Pack holders share the cost and this sharing the cost method allows for a more economical method of providing new features and benefits to Roughneck customers.