Transactions by Unit Report

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Transactions by Unit Report

JIB ›› Preliminary Reports for Operating Statements ››

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Transactions by Unit Report

The Transactions by Unit report is normally printed prior to printing Operating Statements to verify that all entries have been made to each unit for the period.  It reads from the Transaction file and prints all transactions for the specified filter conditions that have a status other than 0 and have been made to a unit.


Print this report for Company Number 01 and all other values as shown in the image EXCEPT FOR DATES. Use dates that will apply to the dates you entered for your transactions.  Refer to the Notes on Fields if you need more info.


From the Drop Down Menu, select JIB - Preliminary Reports - Transactions by Unit.

The Transactions by Unit report is based on gross revenue, taxes and expenses per unit.


COMPANY NUMBER: Do one company at a time.  You should print Preliminary Reports, Operating Statements, and Revenue Checks and Update Operating Statements for one company at a time.

UNIT NUMBER: Leave blank for beginning and ending unit numbers to have Report print for all units.

G/L NUMBER:  Only transactions in the following ranges are used to Print Operating Statements.  See GL Number Restrictions

30000-39999   REVENUE /SALES

50000-59999   TAXES /DEDUCTIONS


Normally you should use 30000 for the Beginning GL Number and 75999 for the Ending.  However, if you are getting tricky, you could for example:

To print only for Expenses, specify:

Beg. GL Number = 71000

End. GL Number = 75999

To print only for Revenue, specify:

Beg. GL Number = 30000

End. GL Number = 59999

BEGINNING AND ENDING TRANSACTION DATES: Normally this is the beginning and ending date of your period (or month).  Only transactions within the specified range are processed for the report.

PRINT ONE UNIT PER PAGE:  Normally say unchecked, as this uses more paper.

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